(A few of) My Happy Things

What is it that makes you happy? I mean, not just feel good, pleasure. I’m talking joy out your fingertips, contentment, a sense of peace and wholeness, like everything is right with the world happy?

Here are a few things that make me happy. I should note, I don’t do these things nearly often enough, and everytime I do one of these things, I think, why aren’t I doing this more often?

(A Few of) My happy things:

1. Doing my yoga practice. There’s nothing physical that compares to the joy I feel as I move my body in and out of poses, feeling and hearing my breath, experiencing the present like no other. And then lying in svasana, at the end of the practice, my body is still and calm yet I feel vibrant and closer to that mind/body/spiritual connection I so crave.

2. Drinking herbal tea. I don’t do this nearly enough, because I didn’t grow up drinking anything hot, so I’m trying to teach myself this habit. And technically, it’s an herbal infusion, as the tea snobs would point out (green, black, white teas are all “real” teas). My favorite is Rooibos tea. All sorts of shoot-offs of this tea, all good, but my personal favorite is Red Rooibos. A delicate vanilla, honey, earthy flavor. Warm and soothing, ahhh.

3. Cuddling with my kids. I love to make them laugh, to look into their eyes and share innocent moments, like first thing in the morning when my 3 year old crawled into my bed with me and showed me a pair of cuticle clippers and told me they were “monster clippers.” I asked him what that meant and he told me they, “cut the hair of monsters.” Or when we make up silly games and my kids laugh for no apparent reason, other than for the sheer joy of laughing and being silly.

4. Nursing my baby girl. I love nursing this time around. It gives me a chance to break away from all the “to dos” just to nurture and feed my little cherub. Sounds a little over the top, I know, but there’s something about that 3rd child, you just take more time enjoying the little steps along the way.

5. Moments with my husband. You know, those times when you share a joke only the two of you “get,” and you laugh in sync with each other, and you think, “Yes, we can do this, this raising a herd of banshees (kids), going to school & working, making life roll smoothly…we can do this.”
