Holiday Eating Tips & Hashbrown Haystacks

I just added two new links on the right side bar. Under Resources, I added a link to Dr. McDougall’s discussion board (check it out and join the conversation, it’s a great support tool) as well as a link to the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii under the Watch & Learn section that includes dozens of video lectures on a variety of topics.

So, I’ve been thinking.

I love the Christmas season. It’s a time of joy, family, gift-giving, service…and…weight gain. Ugg.

Seriously. How do you avoid it? So many goodies and sweet treats. Gatherings and get togethers. Good tasting, sweet, and rich food is everywhere!

Treats and holiday goodies aren’t necessarily bad, and I don’t think it’s realistic to say you’re not going to partake of anything sweet or rich, but doing a few simple things can help you limit your intake of these foods.

Here are a few tips that will help to keep your weight in check during this time:

1. Eat breakfast! Start your day of right with a healthful, nutrient-dense breakfast. A breakfast smoothie/shake, oatmeal, cracked wheat, hash browns
2. Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals only makes you hungrier for your next meal so you’ll be more prone to overeating. Recommit yourself to eating smaller portions, more frequently. This will keep your blood sugar steady and constant, and you will be less inclined to overindulge.
3. Starch, starch, starch. Recommit yourself to a starch-based diet. Starch, is the scientific term for complex carbohydrates. Center your meals around brown rice, millet, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, corn, oatmeal, wheat, and squash. Starches will give you the carbohydrates you need for energy, and you will be less likely to crave simple carbohydrates/sugars.
4. If you’re really concerned about not gaining weight during the season, keep a food journal. This is one of the best ways to really be objective about what you are and are not eating every day. If you want to track your macro/micro-nutrient intake, I recommend using a free software program called Cron-o-meter.
5. Before you go to a party or potluck, make sure you eat, or have eaten recently. If you are ravenously hungry, you’ll be more prone to make rash decisions or overeat, and regret it later.
6. Always take a healthful dish with you to a party. Even if it’s not a potluck, offer to bring something. This way, you will at least have your dish to eat, and you can share with others.
7. Have a treat! It’s okay to have treats, that’s part of what makes the holiday season fun and memorable. Just commit to being reasonable about it and decide beforehand how many treats (if any) you are going to indulge in.
8. Don’t feel obligated to eat certain foods if you don’t want to. Practice awareness in your food choices and ask yourself, “Am I only eating this because everyone else is?” If the answer is yes, maybe rethink your decision.
9. Make time for quality exercise. You wouldn’t think of not brushing your teeth or not taking a shower during the holiday season because you are too busy, would you? Think of exercise as the same way.
So enough lecturing. Onto the hash brown haystacks.

Lately, I have been eating a lot of roasted sweet potatoes (love, love, love, this food!) and potatoes. I’ve found that filling up on unprocessed starches, really curbs my sweet tooth and I have a lot more energy.

Yesterday, I made hash brown haystacks for lunch. It’s my own “recipe,” if you can call it a recipe. It’s another one of those meals that can be whipped together in 10 minutes and anyone can do it! 5 ingredients and a complete meal in every way. Tasty, filling, and fast (just what I like!).

Hash brown Haystacks

  • pinto beans
  • chopped romaine lettuce
  • oil-free hash browns (I buy mine from Costco)
  • chopped tomatoes
  • frozen organic/non-GMO sweet corn

On a non-stick skillet (I cook mine on large non-stick griddle), lay out hash browns and cook at 350 degrees (medium/high heat?) for about 8 minutes. Flip over and cook until hash browns are thoroughly cooked and a little crispy.

Defrost the corn by placing it in a colander and running hot water over it for a few minutes.

Layer as follows: hash browns, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, corn. Season with Tabasco, salsa, freshly ground pepper. Top with non-dairy sour cream or ranch.
